Ariel in The Tempest
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
photo: Jenny Graham
Portia in Julius Caesar
with Danforth Comins
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
photo: Jenny Graham
Sarah Brown in Guys and Dolls
with Jeremy Peter Johnson
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
photo: Jenny Graham
Edith in The Pirates of Penzance
with Mandie Jenson and Kimbre Lancaster
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
photo: T. Charles Erickson
Masha in Seagull
with Al Espinosa
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
photo: Jenny Graham
Hero in Much Ado About Nothing
with Lawrence Redmond
The Shakespeare Theatre Company
photo: Scott Suchman
Elizabeth Bennet in Pride & Prejudice
with Elijah Alexander
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
photo: Jenny Graham
Joy in Medea/Macbeth/Cinderella
with Eddie Lopez, Daniel T. Parker, U. Jonathan Toppo and Nell Geisslinger
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
photo: Jenny Graham
Mildred in Ah, Wilderness!
with Stuart Margolin
Chautauqua Theatre Company
Princess of France in Love's Labor's Lost
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
photo: Jenny Graham
Ensemble in She Loves Me
with Rene Millan
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
photo: Jenny Graham
Annie Sullivan in The Miracle Worker
with Daria LeGrand
Denver Center Theatre Company
photo: Terry Shapiro
Jerry in Cloud Nine
National Theatre Conservatory
photo: eric laurits
Elsie in Yeomen of the Guard
with Britney Simpson and Leah Anderson
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
photo by Jenny Graham